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Hot Pepper Products

Birds Love It, Squirrels Not So Much

Are critters stealing suet from your feeders? We have the solution. We've added some heat to some of our bird foods, including our exclusive seed cylinders, a no-melt suet dough cylinder, a no-melt suet cake, Jim's Birdacious Bark Butter Bits & Bark Butter!

Shop for all our Hot Pepper Products online at the link below or through the 'shop online' button at the top of the page.



Fiery Feast


Fiery Feast: Treated with hot pepper this blend contains peanuts, tree nuts and sunflower chips and no shells. It is a no mess blend (without the millet) and is 100% edible! Fiery Feast™ has been found to be much more effective at deterring squirrels and critters than the competing products. The bag features a special pour spout for easy feeder filling without having to scoop or touch this hot pepper food. 8lb bag or 20lb bag





SunFire Chips


SunFire™ Chips: These hulled sunflower chips are treated with hot pepper. The bag features a special pour spout for easy feeder filling without having to scoop or touch this hot pepper food. Out of the shell these sunflower chips won't leave a mess on the ground and they won't sprout either! It can be used in most bird feeders including trays, hoppers & tube feeders!! 8lb bag




 Hot Pepper SuperSuet

SuperSuet™ Cakes & Cylinders: Our SuperSuet is now also available in two hot pepper varieties - regular and no-melt for the hot summer months. A great way to stop the squirrels from eating your suet. The SuperSuet products provide super nutrition with our highest levels of protein and fat in our suet lineup. A great suet option for year-round feeding - providing the nutritional needs for nesting families & summer feather molting. Use it throughout fall and winter when birds need extra fats to help them through longer nights & colder weather.


Hot Pepper Bark Butter Tub



Hot Pepper Bark Butter: Feed the birds, not the squirrels with this new hot pepper variety of our ever popular Bark Butter! Spread it on a tree or on our Bark Butter feeder! 



Hot Pepper Bark Butter Bits



Hot Pepper Bark Butter Bits: Newest to our line of hot pepper products these little suet balls are a perfect treat for your birds. As the colder temperatures arrive birds will really enjoy these little nuggets of energy. 

Offer them in the Spiral Treat Tray, cup feeder or our new Bluebird feeder. 





Hot Pepper Cylinder



 Cylinders: Offer hot pepper in cylinder form! Offering bird food in cylinder form works great for vacations as they last longer than loose seed. You also get better views of the birds as they can't just do a fly-thru and grab-and-go with their seed. Hot Pepper comes in small and large size cylinders as well as in both a regular and No-Mess variety! Varieties available are original Hot Pepper, Hot Cranberry and Hot Pepper No-Mess (no shell waste for less mess on the ground).

You can offer a cylinder feeder in one of our cylinder feeders. Visit our online store to see the variety of cylinder feeders and find the best one for your backyard bird feeding station. For best results, use a cylinder feeder with a roof to prevent the hot pepper from being washed off or diluted by the weather.




Hot Pepper SuperSuet Cylinder

Suet Stackable and Suet Cylinders: Offer these on a cylinder feeder! Available in a Hot Pepper Suet Stackable or a Suet Cylinder to fit in our smaller Suet Cylinder Feeder.





Cylinder Feeder  Tail Prop Feeder Suet Dough Cylinder Spiral Treat Tray with Bark Butter Bits 

The Science Behind the Pepper: While birds such as chickadees & nuthatches readily eat foods containing hot pepper, pesky critters will shy away from them. Many mammals feel a burning sensation when they eat hot peppers. The capsaicin found inside the pepper activates a receptor protein in a mammal. At low concentrations, (as in our products), the capsaicin doesn't damage tissue, instead the activated receptor sends a message to the brain which, in turn, sends a pain response to that part of the body.  Researchers have found no evidence that capsaicin irritates the tissue in the mouth, eyes or digestive tract of birds. 

The Hot Pepper Solution: Using our Hot Pepper products is a great solution to your critter problem. Proven effective against most squirrels, and successful with some other critters. As the squirrels stay away, your feeders will become more active - but with birds and not squirrels.

Ask one of our Certified Bird Feeding Specialists how best to offer hot pepper in your backyard!