Ground Feeders & Trays

Hanging Trays
Made from EcoTough® material our hanging trays are 9"x9" in size and great to hang from your Advanced Pole System or other hook. Keeping the food off the ground yet providing enough space for visiting birds. You can use it for any of our blends or single seeds like safflower for Northern Cardinals and House Finches or peanuts in the shell for Blue Jays.
Ground Trays
EcoTough® Covered Ground Feeder
Attract a variety of birds with an EcoTough® Covered Ground Feeder. The roof protects the birds and food from the elements. The perforated metal bottom keeps the seed dry and lifts out for easy cleaning. Our EcoTough feeders are made of recycled milk jugs, won't crack, fade or rot and have a lifetime guarantee.
Pole Mounted Catch-A-Seed Trays
Attached to the APS pole system these trays offer a separate feeding location as well as catch seed dropped from a feeder mounted above.
Spiral Treat Tray
Our Spiral TreatTray® features three easy-to-fill cups and provides unobstructed views of visiting birds. Offer different foods in each cup to to discover the diverse food preferences of your backyard birds. Available with a green or orange lid. An orange lid can help attract orioles to orange halves in the cups too!
Good Morning Bluebird Feeder
Not just for bluebirds! This delightful addition to your backyard is perfect for filling with tasty treats like live or dried mealworms, Bark Butter®Bits or any little treat for the birds. Available with a green or orange lid. The orange lid works great to attract the orioles to your feeder! Add orange halves to each cup!
APS Side Dish Tray
This little tray is a great addition to the APS pole system. Offer seed, nuts, mealworms or fruit. A real treat for the birds. Add a roof (sold separately) to protect the food, and your birds, from the weather!